Monday, February 22, 2016

Care for Creation by Planting Native Plants

In Genesis, after God created night and day, the Earth, seas, sky and all of the animals, He was pleased with what he saw. Could we say the same about what we are creating in our yards or our contributions to public spaces? There are two simple steps to aid in the care of creation:
1.     Take the Healthy Yard pledge to reduce pesticide use, conserve water, protect water quality, remove invasive plants, plant native species and support birds and other wildlife on your property.

Native plants – unlike many hybrids and cultivated plants – support wildlife, benefit pollinators and improve water quality. Loss and fragmentation of the native landscape in Northern Virginia has impacted the ecological integrity of our region. Wildlife habitat, water quality, air quality as well as the historic, natural character has suffered. Although much of Northern Virginia is now pavement or lawns, gardeners can make a difference in the ecological sustainability of our region by planting native plants.
The Plant NoVA Natives campaign features plants that have appealing foliage, berries and flowers that can make your landscape unique, attractive and welcoming for people and local wildlife. Native plants are also easy to maintain when given the appropriate growing conditions because they naturally adapt to our local soils and climate.
Consider putting some milkweed in the ground and help sustain the amazing migration of Monarch butterflies to Mexico. Plant coneflower or Black-eyed Susans and the goldfinches will thank you. Attract Ruby-throated hummingbirds with Cardinal flower and Coral honeysuckle. The Plant NoVa Natives web site includes more information about the wildlife value of our local plants.
Kristy Liercke, Member of FACS Community Council and
Emmanuel Lutheran Church’s Creation Care Ministry

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