Monday, February 1, 2016

A Self-Imposed Carbon Tax? What kind of a crazy idea is that?

Maybe it’s not so crazy.

Carbon pollution
What’s your carbon footprint?  Most of us don’t really know.  We’re concerned about global warming and agree that much of the cause is the increasing level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.  And we recognize that all of us share in the responsibility of lowering our contribution.  But until we start measuring our individual production we don’t really know if our contribution is increasing or decreasing.  It’s sort of like dieting.  Many of us realize we should lose some weight.  And we start on a program of dieting and exercise to hopefully shed some pounds.  We pat ourselves on the back for eating healthy salads for lunch and feel proud of the exercise routine we have initiated at the gym, but then we sneak in a bowl of ice cream (maybe 2 bowls) before bedtime.   Until we step on a scale we don’t really know if we are losing weight or fooling ourselves with good intentions.

It’s the same with the production of carbon dioxide.  Until we systematically measure our production of carbon dioxide we don’t really know if we are successfully reducing our production or fooling ourselves.

What has this got to do with a carbon tax/carbon fee you say?  Well, maybe a little bit and maybe a lot. A diet is self-imposed with the objective being to lose weight.  This carbon tax is self-imposed with 3 objectives:  1.) Create a fund to be used on projects that will offset our own carbon dioxide production.)  2.) Create a self- awareness of our own carbon footprints.   3.) Probably most importantly, it will enhance the credibility of those who lobby in behalf of climate warming reduction legislation.  Their arguments are strengthened when they are able to explain to legislators “This is what we are doing and we think others should be doing likewise.”  Unless we are taking this action it is rather weak to advocate that others take similar action.

The Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (FACS) has established a Self-Imposed Carbon Tax Fund to assist in carrying out the above 3 objectives.  Participants measure the amount of carbon dioxide they produce using the table below.  They then obligate themselves to pay into the fund a penny (or whatever amount they deem appropriate) for every pound of carbon dioxide they produce.  The funds are then expended on carbon dioxide reduction projects such as home insulation, LED light bulbs, purchase of carbon offsets, planting trees etc.  Groups who have received grants thus far:  1) Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment (ACE) $874.19 and The Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) $500.

Obviously this project cannot, in and of itself, be expected to solve global warming.  It can, however, serve as an example of what individuals and groups can do actively and symbolically to address the threat of global warming. And, it is another step in reducing one’s own individual carbon footprint. Start calculating your Carbon Tax/Carbon Fee today! For more information, contact me at:

Dave Parsons, Member

Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions

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